Thursday, June 6, 2013

DX site

Due to some technical difficulties is not available at the moment. We're working on it  and will be back soon. In the meantime this blog will continue to be updated regularly.

VOA English

Due to interference VOA in English to S.Asia is now at 1400-1500(Mon-Fri) on 15490 kHz from the Philippines and 1500-1600 daily on the same 15490 kHz from Thailand. This replaces 12120kHz. Parallel channels for this period 7575 kHz (Thailand) and 12150kHz(Philiipines).

PCJ Radio

New frequency for next hour-long PCJ broadcast via Sri Lanka is 11835 kHz:
from  Trincomalee,Sri Lanka

Due to co-channel interference on 11750 kHz we will change frequency for
this Sunday, June 2nd. The new frequency is 11835 kHz. Your comments and
reports about this new frequency are important. 

June 16th - 1300-1400 UT
June 23rd - 1300-1400 UT
June 30th - 1300-1400 UT
July  7th - 1300-1400 UT

Frequency: 11835 kHz (25 mb). Target Area: East and Southeast Asia.
Power: 125 kW
Reports are wanted and all reports will be QSLd

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recent SLBC Changes

Received a mail from :

SLBC are gearing themselves to come out strongly from Saturday 1st June ’13 by upgrading their transmission output by 1,250% on the 31m band’s 9770khz signal from a previous mere 10kwts output to 125kwts output as they transfer their Short Wave relay operation from historic Ekala on the west coastline to Nilaveli in Trincomalee on the Eastern coastline.

SLBC are dropping out on the previous 49m (6005khz) ; 19m (15745khz) bands on the English All Asia Service ; would continue operating only a single but previously very popular band of 31m band on the 9770khz frequency in the future.

The only hitch’s that the English All Asia Service would be operating from 0215 – 0330hrs daily.

Many Short Wave specialists believe that this enhanced output would be sufficient to cover entire Indian geography?

Here’s the revised frequencies & broadcast times….

1.    0115-0213 UTC Hindi AAS on 11905khz on the 25m band. (2 minutes at end to quickly retune transmitter to 31m band)

2. 0215-0330 UTC English AAS on 9770khz on the 31m band.

3.    1115-1215 UTC South Indian dialects on 9770khz on the 31m band.

Request knowing the reception status in each of your locations, preferably by return Email.